Southfield Compassion Event Calendar

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Find the Right Medical Marijuana to Treat Your Condition

Finding the perfect stain of medical marijuana can be very overwhelming due to the infinite number of possibilites. Each strain will provide a different medicated affect. Patients suffering from different medical conditions will require different srains.


Generally more physical than cerebral (however, the relief of physical symptoms can have a positive psychological effect;
sedation, pain relief and relaxation;
best for later in the day and bedtime;
perhaps better for anxiety than depression;
reduces pain;
muscle relaxant;
relieves spasms, reduces seizures;
reduces inflammation;
aids sleep;
reduces anxiety and stress;
reduces nausea;
stimulates appetite;
relieves headaches and migraines;
reduces intra-occular pressure; and


more stimulating and uplifting;
energizing and thought provoking;
increases focus and creativity;
supports immune system;
best for use in daytime;
reduces nausea;
stimulates the appetite;
fights drepression;
positive, uplifting, cerebral effect;
energizes and stimulates;
promotes creativity;
relieves headaches and migraines;
relaxes muscles, relieves pain; and
acts as an expectorant

Most cannabis seeds and medicine available today are from hybrids - crosses of Sativa and Indica varieties.

Indica-dominant crosses are for pain relief, with the sativa component helping with energy and activity levels.

Sativa-dominant crosses are good for stimulating appetite, with the indica component helping to reduce body pain and increase relaxation.

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